"I used to live in those waters..."
As I begin to slowly turn my pain racked self towards the waters, I am so gently reminded of my before-life in those waters, and the warmth draws me to them. The waters are seething before me and I know that means that they have been specially prepared just for me. But I stop.
The waters are as angry and deep as my anger is deep. But it's not tit-for-tat. It's not a reflection of my anger or even God's anger.
It is that Deep calling out to Deep. And where the waters are the deepest, they also move with more power, more...violence. And violence IS a Kingdom quality. (Psalm 42:7--"Deep calls unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me.")
The violence of the things of the Kingdom of God that lie deep within me are struggling to get up and out, as is that Heavenly violence that is equally waiting to meet me at just the right time/moment so that healing can be accomplished.
It is a terrible battle within the depths of the soul. The Hand of God comes twisting and tearing through the gnarled, deeply embedded thorny roots of long ago planted barriers. Reaching through wild thickets of pain where dark thoughts dart in and out, desperately trying to hide from The All Seeing One's grasp. And all the while, longing to be caught, trying to be caught.
Caught, healed, redeemed...
But I am. I am already caught, healed, redeemed. So why the futile fight?
Paul's words echo through my being and rattle me to the core: (Romans 7:15-25, verse 24,"O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death!")
"Dear God. I've been here so many times before and I know only too well the cost and the pain. And I do not want to pay it. I don't. God forgive my weak, cowardly heart. I just don't! Not again."
But...I must. His Deep calls to my Deep.
And the power of that Deep pulls and pulls AND PULLS until
I can no longer hold on.
No longer holding on, I let go. Limp. Disabled. But, I am still tethered to the wreckage of my dead man's image. Tethered still by one last cord of fear.

Dead-Man-Floating in The Violent Deep of God
I have no strength to move to cut it. I bob in God's Stream; not alive, not dead. Caught by fear. "Lord, cut the cord. I cannot." He cuts, and I begin to move lifelessly through the flow of His Violent Waters, up and finally out.
Exhausted, I find myself in the troubled waters of healing He has prepared just for me. The very waters that I could not lift myself towards, He has released me and has brought me to the ordained moment of holiness.
I wanted to be holy, too. Just like Sister Blogger. But...I'm not like Sister Blogger. I'm MY own holy, conformed to His Image, daughter.
Thank you, Sister Blogger for a life lived well and shared well with the rest of us. It is not my life, nor was it ever meant to be. I am my very own book to be read by others. Granted, my book is more like a comic book or Gary Larson's "Far Side", for not everyone can read Shakespeare.
Holiness is not what others see you DO that is like Jesus.
Holiness is just seeing Jesus in who you are. Warts and all.
And maybe being holy is all in the hidden becoming. Being holy is what happens in the dark night of the soul in our personal Garden of Gethsemane. Glory comes after resurrection. Holiness is formed in those places where only the individual and the Father meet...alone.