It's been well over a year since I've written on here.
Started another "trial" blog that was going very well, but it was costing me $$ & just couldn't afford it any longer. Now I'm trying to decide if I even want to start again.
I've got people BEGGING (mind you!), begging me to please keep writing!
Ugh! (Sorry. Already said that in another context.)
I am one of those Drama Queen Creative People. The stars MUST be aligned just SO....
Here's my quandary: my successful blog was straight-up ministry. NO preaching. Just music & encouragement.
I can do that. No problem---WHEN--I feel like it. And no, I DO NOT FEEL LIKE IT MOST OF THE TIME!
Why? (I hear some of you asking. Or it might just be my dog farting...)
Because I have TOO MUCH OTHER CREATIVE "STUFF" blowing through my gray matter. And honestly, some of it DOES matter! Some of it is just....gray.
What to do...what to do...
So much is changing on a personal level, on a life-change level, my Christian walk level (hoo-boy! That's a loaded one! Could get me burned at the stake! "Don't kick the slats out! Too late.), and ALL of my MANY creative "irons in the fire"!
Or do I just slug it out, beating myself up for NOT doing what I do so well: create.
I'm just going to leave this blathering on here. Not going to change it. Not going to re-arrange it. Not going to spell-check, grammar-check, syntax-check a damn thing.
Just gonna let it sit here fer a spell, come back to it, and then decide.
Perhaps, somebody will show up in the meantime and drop off a wise "To Do" list, of creative, linear thought.
I am much too rAnDoM.
With Love,
Your Elusive Butterfly Of Love,
Life is an ever changing highway of moments; some grand & exciting with delicately carved Milestones to mark the occasion,while others make for painful ruts in our journey, leaving roughly hewn Milestones,that aren't so lovely, yet just as needful. Our lives are made up of the stringing together of the usual paths as well as the unexpected detours. These detours are surely more meaningful of all the paths that we travel. And this is in part, what I hope to explore.