The Road That Lies Ahead

The Road That Lies Ahead
Lord, I Need A Sign...

Monday, February 21, 2011

They're Coming To Take Me Away,,,,


I'm beginning to see the reflection of that rabid rabbit when I look in my mirror.   
Not to mention what I see when I look in my fridge...

The song/video IS our latest update for now.   We both are residents of Crazyville, USA; population 2.   Sa-lute!

As far as I know right now, there's no new news to post (at least that I can share without being prosecuted) until we get closer to March 4th.

Until then, or until I can regain some sense of sanity, enjoy the song again...

...and my furry little bunny fiend, errr, I mean friend.

Love and Straight-jackets,


Friday, February 11, 2011

Update On Steve 2-11-11

There's nothing AT ALL exciting to report, but I will.

It's boring.  

Don't believe me?   

Okay.   Here's what he's been doing, in his own words, as of this morning:

                                       Herding Cats
"Not only am I herding cats...


Dug, from "UP":                                                         
...I am also chasing squirrels! 'Squirrel?  Squirrel?' "

In-between herding cats and chasing squirrels, he has been teaching courses to the troops; all the way from Privates to Full Bird Colonels.   (Here's a blank for your own musings on that one________________.)

And as of this morning, he just finished a 36 hour "day" out in below zero temps, doing hand's-on training/qualifying of troops in the field.   

On the ground.   


These are the days when I am most proud of him being an old fart, with young kids, and LEADING BY EXAMPLE.   

Of course once he finally gets back to his warm room on Post, he gets his "Ranger Candy", warms up, and it's off to Zzzzz Land.

Well, there you are!   All caught up.   You know what I know.  Fun, isn't it?

While I'm here I might as well REMIND everybody to


make sure that IF you are going to be at Steve's ceremony on March 4th---TO  

R S V P    ASAP!!   


Call the number listed if you need more info.

Alrighty then!   Finished yelling at you.

As we get closer to the Ceremony date, HOPEFULLY we will have more information to give out.

But just remember....just because I tell you one day that it's "this"....don't expect it to stay that way.

Welcome to my world where everyday is Earthquake Day and walking on that day's liquefaction is normal.  

Love and Laters,

PS... for those of you who have tried to leave a comment below but couldn't, I asked my best friend, who is a Head Librarian (take a bow, 'Lou') about this; she tried it & was able to "get in/on" through all of the choices with no "hoops".

Personally, I think it's the Magical Marian the Librarian touch, but I can get in/on always with the last choice, for some reason.  

Try again.  And if that fails...set up a Gmail account in order to send your comments. 
It's free, so make up a fresh nom de plume for the occasion!